The new way to engage superfans

Revolutionize your content licensing with our enterprise-grade blockchain solution. Unleash new revenue streams and boost artist promotions, all with seamless integration and simplicity.

The music first platform

Power your distribution with the new music license

Define access roles for the end-users, and extend your authorization capabilities to implement dynamic access control.

Tradable music listening licenses
Liquid Market
Flexible distribution
Soundoshi Icon

Boost artists' earnings and promotions.

Empower your artists with the transformative potential of Web3. Our infrastructure simplifies the process, enabling labels to unlock new revenue streams and amplify promotions, all without complexities and risks.

Optimized for Music Business

Expandable from a single listen to multimillion-dollar sales of album editions. Optimized for user experience and privacy. Use social login integrations, lower user friction, incorporate rich user profiling, and facilitate more transactions.

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Blockchain trusted reportability through the whole content lifecycle.

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360° Music Empowerment

Unifying music licensing, audience engagement, and revenue growth in one powerful solution.

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Engage your most dedicated fans, driving revenue and fostering deeper artist-fan connections.


Amplify your reach as fans share unique content across their networks, creating organic promotion and driving new audience.


Expand your sales channels by offering unique music NFTs on popular e-commerce platforms, opening up new revenue opportunities.


Leverage ownership traceability of NFTs to better target your music-related product sales, maximizing revenue and efficiency.

Rights Management

Gain precise control over your content's usage with blockchain-enabled rights management, ensuring artists are fairly compensated.

User privacy

Respect your fans' privacy with blockchain's anonymized transactions, fostering trust while still gaining valuable insights for sales optimization.

Reach new audiences

Unlock the power of blockchain to connect with fans like never before. With Soundoshi, you can seamlessly sell unique music experiences on e-commerce platforms or distribute them directly to fans on social media, opening up exciting new avenues for audience engagement and revenue generation.

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The security first platform

Redefine brand partnerships

Transform your brand partnerships with Soundoshi music format. As a music label, leverage these unique digital assets to boost product sales or enhance your brand image, creating innovative collaborations that set you apart in the industry.

Why trust us?

Our Revolutionary Scalable Technology sets us apart, delivering the best-in-class solution that is both highly efficient and cost-effective. We believe in accessibility for all, as our platform opens doors to mass consumer presence in the web3 music market.

Enterprise Solution


Robust and stable enterprise solution, ensuring uninterrupted operations and dependable performance.


Tailored solutions that align with your specific requirements.

Scalable Infrastructure

Adapt and scale to accommodate the growth of your business.

Scalable Blockchain


Scalable blockchain technology optimizes transaction speed and throughput.


The most cost-effective web3 infrastructure in the market to enable enterprise usage.


Seamless integration with existing systems and interoperability with existing platforms.

Industry Expertise

Deep Domain Knowledge

Tech industry experts with extensive knowledge of the music market.

Proven Track Record

Successful implementations and partnerships with music labels.

Continuous Innovation

We stay at the forefront of industry trends and technological advancements

Music Distribution Comparison

Enable new revenue streams

Discover more personalized subscription pricing and upgrade revenue sharing.

Influencer Collaborations


From $0.001

One-time access to content

Monetization Flexibility
Global Reach
Royalties automation
Fair streaming

Digital Assets

From $0.01

Digital Ownership / License

Get Started
Digital Ownership / License
Limited Releases
Secondary market royalties
Higher Revenues
Fanbase analytics
Exclusive content
Premium Quality

Brand Partnerships

Ask for a quote

Everything at your fingertips.

Custom Campaigns
Co-Branding Opportunities
Influencer Collaborations
Enhanced Visibility
Jacek Jastrowicz
Discover extraordinary possibilities and set new standards in the field of music licensing and creation. Prepare yourself for a future that sounds better than ever before.
The security first platform

Take control of your content

By having control over your content, you can decide how to use it to generate income.